Guetting Through Quarantine
When her entire family was forced to self-quarantine, Kelsey was worried because she didn’t know what to expect. Her aunt, who works at the National Hospital, tested positive for Covid-19, which required her family to take precautions. Because of misinformation, many in Guatemala have responded with fear and hostility toward people they perceive are bringing the virus into their communities. Kelsey and her family were concerned about their neighbors’ response but were pleasantly surprised when their friends showed great compassion by helping them to obtain food and other necessary items during the lockdown.
When Kelsey’s teachers heard about the family’s dilemma, they reached out to let their student know they were available to talk and that they would deliver her homework to her house on a regular basis. In a situation in which Kelsey might have fallen behind, she worked hard and ended the term at the top of her class.
Over the last few months while the school has been closed, Kelsey has used the internet to join her teachers online whenever possible. The family doesn’t have a strong internet connection, however, and many times she finds it hard to understand her lessons when the signal is too weak to participate. She’s thankful that her teachers upload recordings of their classes so she can review them when her signal strength improves. During a hectic season of life, Kelsey is grateful that Agua Viva continues to offer classes and study guides that keep her on track. Many students in Guatemala haven’t enjoyed the same opportunities.

Eventually, medical officials retested Kelsey’s aunt and learned she was never contagious in the first place because the original exam had produced a false positive. There was much rejoicing as the family left quarantine, happy and healthy.
Kelsey has studied at Agua Viva since preschool, and she’s always been a hard worker. She’s not just a dreamer but has been trying to make a plan her future. For a long time she wanted to be a flight attendant and travel the world, but she has been feeling God calling her to re-evaluate her plans. In Kelsey’s own words “One day I want my life to a channel of blessing for others so I am still considering the path that I ought to take.” We are so proud of her hard work and her desire to please the Lord in all she does. We can’t wait to see what God has for her future.
Agua Viva exists to share the gospel with at-risk students and their families while at the same time helping to fight poverty by providing quality Christian education to underprivileged children. Kelsey is just one example of a student who takes advantage of every opportunity to reach for a better future. Please keep her and all our students in your prayers. Would you consider making a one-time donation, or becoming a monthly sponsor to help us serve the children of our community? Our partners are helping us to change the world, one student at a time!