In Her Own Words
When Aura saw how well that Agua Viva School had prepared her nephews to excel in upper school education and to secure better employment opportunities, she knew she wanted her sons to attend the school as well. “It wasn’t even a question in my mind,” said Aura. As a single mother, she had to make difficult decisions about how much to work because of her boys. Although she graduated high school with a secretarial certification, she chose to perform cleaning jobs around town in order to keep a flexible schedule so that she could be with her sons more.
Aura gladly made financial sacrifices so that her sons could get a good education. How thankful she was when she learned they qualified for a partial scholarship at Agua Viva! This welcome assistance, along with Aura’s encouragement to take advantage of this rare opportunity, motivated her sons to study so hard that they won full scholarships by being the top students in their classes. She was happy to report, “Now that they’ve seen the importance of hard work and studying, I don’t have to push them as hard as before. They’ve seen the value of the education they’re receiving.”

Allan, the oldest boy, struggled at first because his shyness, natural intelligence, and his love of learning made him a target for the occasional prankster. At one point he even wanted to stop studying: “It was the Christian education program and the devotional times that helped my son to learn how to respond with kindness, even when others are cruel,” noted Aura. “The Bible lessons also have helped him to become more confident in himself, which in turn has helped him to make new friends.” Today, as a result, many of Allan’s classmates are his best friends.
Aura is also thankful for Agua Viva’s music program. Allan enjoys the guitar and plays the marimba in the school orchestra. Allan’s participation in this program has helped him to grow in his confidence, has taught him to work well with others, and has made him more comfortable in public and around strangers. “We haven’t had to pay a cent for my son to be in the music program, yet it’s given us so much,” smiled Aura.
Your support helps us to continue to change lives by giving children an education that will provide a better future for themselves, their families, and their community. Thank you for being a part of the Agua Viva family, and for helping to bring hope to hard working students who will be eternally grateful!