God is in Control
“When I grow up, I want to be just like my dad,” Diego told us with a big smile. His father has been struggling to find a stable job since Covid-19 began to plague Guatemala, and his son sees him as a hero because of his persistence during great adversity. When his father can find employment, he’s a construction worker who labors long hours for low pay, so Diego wants to study hard so he can become an architect. This profession earns a respectable income that will provide enough financial support to raise a family one day.
In addition to Covid-19, Diego’s family has endured other challenges this year. For example, months ago his grandmother became seriously ill, and she has yet to recover. Because his parents have been purchasing his grandmother’s medicine in addition to paying school tuition, money has been extremely tight. As usual, Agua Viva has been understanding regarding the extra time the family needs to catch up on their tuition payments.

One Bible verse that has been particularly comforting to Diego is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” He has seen the Lord’s help firsthand throughout the pandemic. Even when money ran out completely, God’s providence always provided. Agua Viva connected Diego and his family to a local congregation named Somos Iglesia, which collected food for them and ensured that they wouldn’t go hungry.
Like many children, Diego found it difficult to study online from home when Guatemala prohibited schools from meeting in person. Agua Viva’s sponsors helped to make the current situation more bearable for our students by purchasing much need tablets that children have been able to borrow. As a result, Diego is enjoying his studies and hasn’t missed a class. Thank you for your prayers and your support, as well as the way that God has used you to supply our needs in His perfect time!