Pursuing Elite Dreams
Diego grew up playing soccer with the other children at Agua Viva, and like many boys his age, he dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player when he grew up. His teachers encouraged him to take his education seriously so he could also pursue a more practical career should he need to do so. In high school Diego studied accounting, but in his heart, he knew he would never be happy behind a desk. Throughout his high school years Diego continued to improve his soccer skills and eventually applied to some small local teams. When he heard about the upcoming tryouts for a semi-profession team, he and his cousin jumped at the opportunity. It was a grueling month-long process and his cousin, along with many others, dropped out before the concluding week of tryouts. The training camp accepted only 22 of over 500 men, and Diego was one of them!
The first year was demanding and provided no salary. Three years later, Diego is earning a small income that is below minimum wage. His hope is for the minor league to draft him soon so he can earn a decent salary. Life isn’t easy, but the challenges haven’t daunted Diego because he loves soccer and is determined to reach the professional level.

When we asked him how he fell in love with soccer he happily responded, “It all started at Agua Viva because I got to train with the other boys and play soccer every day.” Diego is thankful for the Christian upbring he received at Agua Viva because it helped him to know how to avoid the vices that are so prevalent in the sports world. He’s determined to keep focusing on his goals and not allowing the world to tempt him to dishonor God.
Agua Viva is committed to helping children grow up to be all that the Lord wants them to be. You can be a part of this rewarding ministry by sponsoring one of our students so he or she can receive a high-quality Christian education.