My First Job
“Working at Agua Viva has made me the math teacher I am today,” shared Wilder as he reminisced about his educational career. “When I was hired, I was fresh out of school, and this was my first job. I had no experience and was intimidated by the expertise of my coworkers.”
Wilder wasn’t sure what to expect and was concerned his fellow teachers might not accept him. To his pleasant surprise, his new colleagues not only welcomed him enthusiastically, but also encouraged him. They also gave him some helpful pointers for creating lesson plans and managing the classroom.
Seven years later, Wilder is continuing his educational pursuits by working on a master’s degree in mathematics and physics. These days, he regularly receives offers to teach at other schools. Despite this high demand, he told us, “I’m not interested in going anywhere. I’m happy and feel at home with my Agua Viva family. I have many teacher friends in other organizations who complain about getting paid late or receiving no salary at all. At Agua Viva I never have to worry about that.”

Wilder’s job allows him to support his parents, go to college, assist his two younger siblings with their school tuition, and to start work on the construction of a house. He told us, “Agua Viva is a blessing not only to me, but to my entire family as well.”
Thank you for supporting Agua Viva! Your donations allow us to hire capable teachers who not only help our students, but also improve our local community through their hard work and dedication.”