Full Time Classes
After a couple months of hybrid classes we are finally back to full-time school here on campus at Agua Viva. We are thankful to have our children back on campus and to be able to deliver the level of teaching and student care that we are passionate about providing. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us! Please continue to keep our staff, our students and their families in your prayers as we all adjust to new changes and recover from the challenges and set backs of the past couple years.

“I love being back at school because I get to talk to my teacher anytime I have questions.”
Sharon – 4th Grade

“I love being back at school because I am able to help my students in classroom.”
Estivaldis – 1st Grade Teacher

“I love beng back at school because I get to play basketball at recess time.”
Anthony – 7th Grade

“I love being back at school because I get to talk and spend time with my friends.”
Maythe – 7th Grade