2022 Science Fair
Our 2022 school science fair was a huge success. After weeks of research and preparation the students put on a show to remember. From energy sources, to hydraulics, to DNA extraction there were so many exciting projects.
We were impressed by the time and effort our students put into their projects and hope that events like this one will inspire the next generation of Guatemalan scientists! Check it out…

“It was hard to memorize my project presentation, but after explaining my project to so many people it became totally natural. This science fair was a great experience to improve my public speaking.”
Mildred – 8th Grade

“I discovered an interest in robotics while making my robo-spider for this years science fair.”
Samuel – 9th Grade

“We have missed doing events like this for the past 2 years (due to the pandemic). I am so pleased that this event made our students excited about science!”
Seño Raquel – School Principal

“I was surprised that so many students were asking questions about my DNA extraction project. I did not think it was going to be an interesting topic.”
Diego – 9th Grade

“I was surprised with the creativity of my students. They all worked extremely hard to present their experiments well for this science fair.”
Estuardo – Science Teacher

“I felt like a doctor! It felt great to talk to my friends about my experiment”
Genesis – 2nd Grade