A Refuge for the Thirsty Soul
By Chris – TN
“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the scripture reads, ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37-38
A generation equipped with real-world skills, a heart for Christ, and a willingness to make disciples is what it’s going to take to turn the world upside down for Christ. In our day, no one is better equipped to achieve this end than a Christ-centered, Church-affiliated, Gospel-proclaiming school.

That’s right, a school. Like a refuge amidst an impoverished land, Agua Viva is one school that seeks to raise a new Christ-exalting generation one child at a time. This is no easy task; clearly, the unseen heroes engaged in the work at Agua Viva live for an audience of One. They are among those who have drank from the fountain of Christ and now glory in testifying of His abundant love and goodness.
When we arrived at the Guatemalan City airport, I first noticed the multitudes of families eagerly awaiting the arrival of loved ones. To my amazement, although I had never stepped foot in Guatemala, My Heavenly Father had family waiting at the door to receive me. Gama and Alexis were the first Agua Viva staff I had the privilege to meet. These two men proved to be faithful brothers in the Lord. As we neared Chimaltenango, the city Agua Viva is in, the poverty, lack of resources, and challenging ways of life were apparent. The destitution only magnified as we turned into the village that Agua Viva occupies. Driving up a narrow road, we ascended to the top of the hill, which dead-ended into an intimidating iron door. Alexis honked twice, and the door opened.

An immediate sense of hope entered my heart as we crossed the gate’s threshold into Agua Viva. The warm smile from the guard reflected the entire mood of Agua Viva. It was evident that this was a happy place. The next day, we were privileged to attend a gathering with the local church that resides in Agua Viva. I was so grateful to see that the primary leaders within Agua Viva are all local church members. The director of Agua Viva, Misi, is one such church member I came to have a deep respect for. Hearing Misi’s heart for the children and the advancement of God’s kingdom, I began to see what Agua Viva could be.
Our team had many opportunities to share Christ with the kids and the community. We could see the work being done in the lives of these kids who could not afford an education like Agua Viva offers. We were able to see the fruit of the labor that is being done in Agua Viva. Some children who have come through this place have since found Christ and returned to teach or minister the gospel. Simply put, the work being done in Agua Viva has eternal significance. I came with a desire to help but felt I received much more than I gave. I pray that our great God and Father would supply the laborers of Agua Viva with more of His life-giving presence so that their joy would remain constant as they minister to the youth and their families in Chimaltenango.