Dear Friend,
Thank you for supporting Agua Viva through your prayers, missions team visits to the school, and financial gifts! Your practical expressions of love are making a world of difference to our 311 students, many of whom live in extreme poverty and would have little hope apart from God moving our donors’ hearts to support this important ministry.
I’m writing to ask that you consider making a special donation to the Guatemala Children’s Mission to ensure that we have sufficient funds to continue this work.

A few weeks ago, my wife Glenda and I had an opportunity to visit Agua Viva, and we were excited to see the great things the Lord is doing at the school. In addition to receiving a quality education that will help students get good jobs and be responsible citizens, each teacher presents their material from a Christian worldview that encourages their pupils to love Christ and to love others. Students expressed their thankfulness for your investment in their lives, and teachers conveyed their appreciation for the way that you make it possible to invest in the next generation of Guatemalans.

Agua Viva has such a commendable reputation in the community that families outside of Colonia Puerto Rico are enrolling their children in the school, and for the first time, due to space limitations, we have been unable to admit everyone who seeks to attend. We know that the Lord is generous and wise. He provides us with all our needs, so we trust that He will assist us in this economically challenging time. We also believe that God often meets our needs through the kindness of His followers, so we ask you:
- To pray for Agua Viva and God’s gracious provision.
- To pray for clarity from the Lord to see if He is leading you to donate to Agua Viva’s general fund.
Here’s how you can help:
You can visit our donation page and click the button below.
Or you can mail checks to:
Guatemala Children’s Mission
PO Box 414
Apex, NC 27312
Thank you for being our partners in training the next generation of Guatemalans to love God, to love others, and to escape generations of overwhelming poverty.
Matt Akers
President of Guatemala Children’s Mission