From Fear to Confidence

When Guadalupe joined the Early Childhood Education program at Agua Viva, she knew she would face one of her biggest apprehensions: public speaking. Being a teacher requires standing in front of a class, so she believed it was time to conquer her fear.

Since childhood, speaking in front of others had paralyzed her, sometimes even bringing her to tears, but Guadalupe was determined not to let this hold her back. From her first days at Agua Viva, her teachers and classmates encouraged her. The instructors also gave her opportunities to practice the material she was learning to help her build her confidence.

Her greatest challenge came when it was time to give the seminar presentation that each high school student in Guatemala must deliver to graduate. When Guadalupe realized she would be speaking in front of a large audience, fear set in again. However, when the moment came, she delivered her presentation confidently. What once seemed impossible had become a reality. Guadalupe was very pleased with her achievement, and her teachers, who had seen her phenomenal growth, were moved by her success.

Prayer has played an important role in Guadalupe’s journey. Before each new presentation, she prays for strength, a habit she learned from her father, who prays with her before she leaves home each day. She also remembers Bible lessons that help her to remember that God helps people overcome their greatest fears.

As she thinks about the educational challenges she will face next year, including her year-long teaching practicum, Guadalupe feels ready. She knows that with God’s help, along with the support of her family, teachers, and classmates, she can continue to conquer her fear of public speaking.

Guadalupe’s story is a powerful example of how God is working in the lives of our students at Agua Viva. With the guidance of our teachers, we’ve seen them grow in knowledge, faith, and confidence.

Please join us in prayer for our students so that they may overcome their fears and develop the potential the Lord has given them.